Outbound Students
WSU students looking to study away through WSU NSE
NSE Eligibility
NSE participants, are WSU ambassadors at their host institutions. NSE participants show Cougar pride and make us proud!
All of the following requirements must be met to be considered eligible for NSE:
- Full-time undergraduate student
- Minimum GPA: 2.5 (some schools require higher)
- Good academic standing (no academic holds or probation)
- Completed one full year (or two full semesters) at WSU prior to exchange
- No incomplete grades
- No disciplinary or probationary status on or off-campus (academic, conduct, legal)
- No outstanding financial obligations at WSU
- Willingness to explore and step outside of comfort zone
We recommend NSE for students who identify with any of the following:
- Students who are the first in their family to attend college
- Students in undocumented status or who qualify as DACA
- Students looking to work or complete internships during study away
- Students with financial limitations who rely on state aid for tuition, fees, and cost of living
Students who are ineligible:
- Graduate or non-degree seeking students
- Not attending classes at WSU Pullman
- On academic or community standards probation at WSU

Exchange Options
WSU participates in Home Pay NSE only, in which students pay home campus tuition and fees for the applicable study away term(s).
Placement Probability: The NSE website is able to indicate the probability of acceptance to schools based on Home Pay.
Application Process
WSU NSE is here to support you in applying for WSU National Student Exchange. We recommend students begin the application process one year in advance of study away.
Follow these steps to start your application process.
- Review campus options. Check out NSE’s Home Pay Institutions. To increase likelihood of placement, we recommend you choose 3-5 campuses. Explore campus profiles, housing options, and additional fee requirements by clicking on each campus link.
- Complete WSU NSE Interest Request. WSU’s NSE coordinator will reach out once we receive this form to arrange your application meeting, Interest Form.
- Meet with your Academic Advisor. WSU NSE recommends students connect with their academic advisor about study away to start planning. Advisors provide feedback to NSE on student suitability for study away.

Application and Selection
- Arrange an NSE Application Interview. Students who obtain advisor approval will be invited to an NSE Application Interview.
- Apply to NSE. You’ll work with WSU’s NSE coordinator to submit the application for study away upon determination of eligibility and completion of interview.
- Applicant Selection. Applications are reviewed by WSU NSE. Applicants are ranked based on faculty/advisor recommendations, grades, degree progress, and interview.
- NSE Application Fee. Student accounts will be charged a non-refundable application fee of $300 within 90 days of application. Please note, regardless of placement/exchange, students are responsible for the NSE Application Fee.
Placement will depend on availability of space at the Host Institutions.
- NSE Placement Conference. Host Institutions choose which students will study away at their school at the NSE Placement Conference in March. As placement is not guaranteed, WSU recommends students apply for multiple Host Institutions to ensure placement.
- Placement Announcements. Students are informed of placement the third week in March, via email.
- Placement Meeting. Students meet with the WSU NSE Advisor a final time before placement to make arrangements and address questions and concerns.

Financial Aid
Qualified students may receive aid from Washington State University to study away at a Host Institution. To qualify, students must submit a FAFSA must be completed in order to receive any sort of aid.
For more information on financial aid, contact Student Financial Services